Dr. Crawford’s personal treatment program at the NeuroSolution Center of Austin organically created the mantra “Never Accept Never.” It is with this mindset he developed groundbreaking work in photo biomodulation (PBM), specifically guided laser therapy, to transform the lives of patients in ways never thought possible.
This mantra should resonate with anyone monitoring their health and wellness. Status quo is not an option! You’ll learn that guided laser therapy can be used to boost your hacking routines and optimize performance, that it's transformative in areas of pain and inflammation, and has even been researched and proven effective to improve cellular function which translates to optimizing your life and longevity. “Never Accept Never” is the reason 528 Innovations is making advancements in PBM by developing guided laser therapy that is more powerful, more accessible, and more user-friendly to biohackers like you who want to integrate light into life.
400 North Olive St
Dallas, TX 75201
United States